
Anchor Featured in Decrypt Media’s 35 Blockchain and Marketing Strategies for Anyone, Anywhere

As an independent media brand, Decrypt Media uses analytical journalism techniques to give ordinary folk an insight into the world of blockchain. Recently, they published an article on the top 35 blockchain marketing strategies. What’s more, they invited Anchor founder, CEO, and the mind behind Anchor’s GDP-pegged stablecoin, Daniel Popa, to contribute to the list..

Decrypt Media didn’t take the easy way out by listing things someone with a blockchain startup should do. Instead, they went the extra mile by asking experts and entrepreneurs for advice. Interestingly enough, this has resulted in a rather extensive list on all sorts of tips.

Apps, competitors, and building authority

One of them refers to using apps such as Telegram to create discussion channels. The main advantage of Telegram, in particular, is privacy, which would allow blockchain businesses to freely talk to their followers. Another idea is to gain more followers through crypto influencers. In the 21st century, these offer direct access to target audiences.

However, one of the best things anyone could do for their blockchain business is to welcome the competition and make them an ally. In fact, according to Daniel Popa, even competitors could be a great helping hand in the decentralized space. Thus, joining forces with a company that shares the same ideals and ideas could drive interest in a particular business. In fact, a partnership could do wonders for it in the long run.

Decrypt Media also sheds some light on how courting similarly-minded users on LinkedIn and showing off expertise on websites with a huge cryptocurrency following, such as Reddit and Quora, could benefit a business. In the online world, building authority is crucial, and there’s no better way to do it than by using social media to the fullest. Additionally, hiring a PR blockchain agency and giving away free stuff is worth trying out too. Selfless promotion is, after all, a great starting point for building a good reputation.

There are many more examples of how to master blockchain marketing. To find out more about the most interesting strategies, read the rest of the article here.

Title photo by Pete Linforth, Pixabay.