Daniel Popa’s Candid Interview for DecryptMedia: Core Values are Pivotal

DecryptMedia, one of the most active and rather informative platforms that covers the blockchain industry and cryptocurrency news, has recently featured a quite informative interview with our own Daniel Popa, the CEO of Anchor.
The interview didn’t focus much on Anchor as one of the most promising stablecoins currently on the market, but rather on Popa’s long and eventful career and what he thinks is pivotal for succeeding in the current business landscape.
The discussion opened with a question regarding the way Popa first delved into the blockchain industry and the decentralized web. Though Anchor’s CEO has launched 12 companies with an overall ROI of over 1 billion dollars, his interest took a turn toward blockchain and cryptocurrency. His fascination with cryptocurrencies started back in 2014 when Popa visited a friend of his who suggested he invested in Bitcoin.
“My fascination continued to grow, but I was perplexed by the extreme volatility of bitcoin and later other cryptocurrencies,” says Daniel.
One of the subsequent questions was aimed at the Anchor stablecoin and the purpose, or more precisely – the need – it serves within the global market. Popa went on to explain that up until now, not one cryptocurrency, or fiat currency for that matter, managed to offer people a truly stable store of value. Though stablecoins currently represent a new way of approaching the decentralization of currencies that are capable of retaining value over time, all stablecoins so far have failed to deliver a bullet-proof model.
And this is where Anchor’s dual-token economy model and proprietary algorithm come into play.
To read the entire interview with Anchor CEO, Daniel Popa, and find out more about his career and what drives him to constantly seek new challenges, go directly to the source article: Anchor CEO Daniel Popa: Hold onto your core values.