Exchanges With Lowest Maker and Taker Fees in Top 50
One of the main reasons people use and trade cryptocurrencies is to make a profit. That’s why choosing an exchange that won’t take an arm and a leg in transaction fees is of utmost importance.
When you’re choosing exchanges that you’ll be using, you’re not just looking to pick the ones with the highest volume. You don’t want their maker and taker fees to eat up the profit you managed to make by smart trading. So, we did some research among the top 50 exchanges by volume, and singled out 10 with the lowest fees.
10. BitForex
Number 7 on CoinMarketCap by trading volume, BitForex has landed 10th on our list. This exchange has received support from big-league companies such as Genesis Capital, Node Capital, Block VC, QTUM, TRON, and numerous other investors well-known in the crypto space. They are doing business in 186+ countries, their daily trading volume is
$2,303,695,039 and their most popular pairs are LTC/USDT, BTX/USDT, and ZEC/ETH.
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.04%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.06%
9. HBTC (formerly known as BHEX)
Number 49 on CoinMarketCap by trading volume, this exchange has found its place on our list thanks to its wonderfully low fees. Founded by the former CTO of Huobi, this exchange has only been growing in popularity since achieving decentralization. Their daily trading volume is $361,274,696, and their most popular pairs are BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, and BCH/USDT.
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.02%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.05%
8. Binance (depending on 30d trading volume, maker/taker fees vary)
With its $4,522,984,159 24hr trading volume, Binance has definitely deserved it’s no 1 spot on CoinMarketCap, however, their maker and taker fees have placed them almost at the end of our list. Still, the community loves them, and they accept users from all around the world. Their most popular trading pairs are BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, LINK/USDT
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.02%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.04%
7. HitBTC (depending on 30d trading volume, maker/taker fees vary)
In this space, exchanges that have been around since 2014 and grown, almost count as crypto royalty – which is why HitBTC is listed 48th by trading volume with $422,300,993 per 24h. But, people don’t just like them for their low fees, great reputation, and impeccable record. HitBTC is popular because it’s wonderfully user-friendly, so any newbie exploring the world of crypto can find his/her way around it without much fuss. Most popular trading pairs on this exchange are BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, and ETH/BTC.
Maker fee 0.07% – 0.01%
Taker fee 0.07% – 0.02%
6. VinDAX
Although their 24hr trading volume of $1,719,728,037 placed them as the 19th in terms of volume, their trader-friendly fees have placed them much higher here. Although this Vietnam-based exchange has only launched in 2019, they have seen a rapid increase in popularity, and are trying to maintain it by offering simple trades via easy-to-use tools. Their most popular trading pairs are BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, and XRP/USDT.
Maker fee 0.05%
Taker fee 0.05%
5. Bybit
38th according to daily trading volume ($750,744,811), but 5th by fees, Bybit is a platform focused on cryptocurrency derivatives trading. And although they have been operating for a relatively short period of time (since 2018), they have managed to build up admirable liquidity, and are adding advanced technology to an already attractive package. Their most popular trading pairs are BTC/USD, ETH/USD, and EOS/USD.
Maker fee 0.025%
Taker fee 0.075%
4. FTX
With a daily trading volume of $436,856,370 this exchange is 47th on CoinMarketCap. As a platform that claims to be “built by traders for traders”, FTX is trying to maintain a low fee structure, and combine it with high-security levels. So far, they have successfully delivered, which may be among the reasons for their popularity. Their most popular pairs are BTC/USD, ETH/USD, and BSV/USD.
Maker fee 0.02% -0.01%
Taker fee 0.07% – 0.04%
3. Hoo
36th by CoinMarketCap daily trading volume, with $796,162,838, this advanced platform is trying to offer utmost security along with its services. Hoo provides bank-grade security and decentralized servers to improve platform reliability. Their most popular pairs are BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, and BSV/USDT.
Maker fee 0.02%
Taker fee 0.04%
2. Ecxx
Our second place, with amazingly low fees for both makers and takers, is the platform that has $502,599,397 daily volume, and is placed 45th on CoinMarketCap by trading volume. Due to their fee structure, this Singapore-based exchange has seen an increase in on-platform trading. Fully licensed in Singapore, this exchange is reportedly the only one to be granted access to the national identity database (MyInfo). Reliable, regulated, and secure – every trader’s dream. Their most popular pairs are BTC/USDT, BCH/USDT, and ETH/USDT.
Maker fee 0.01%
Taker fee 0.01 %
17th by trading volume, this exchange sees daily trading of $1,741,552,245, which is rather impressive for a platform launched in March 2019. This regulated and licensed exchange from Australia charges extremely low fees, offers instant deposits and withdrawals, as well as a satisfyingly simple interface, that makes use a real pleasure. Their most popular trading pairs are BTC/USDT, ETH/BTC, and ETH/USDT.
Maker fee 0.01%
Taker fee 0.01%
You might have noticed that for most exchanges, USDT pairings are the most popular – and the reason is simple. Tether is still the most popular hedge in daily currency trading, the bulk of the volume naturally revolving around the BTC pairing. However, as a dollar-backed asset, it suffers from the same ails as its backing currency and cannot be counted on to remain stable over a longer run.
* Maker fees are what you pay when you add liquidity to an exchange’s order book by placing a limit order that is below the ticket price for buying, and above it for selling. It’s called a “maker” because you are placing an order that may be matched in the future, thus “making” the marketplace.
* Taker fees are what you pay when you remove liquidity from an exchange’s order book by placing an order that is executed against an order in the order book. It’s called a “taker” because you are taking an order from the book, thus consuming book liquidity, and “taking” away inventory of the marketplace.
For those who would like to see maker/taker fees for the entire top 50 exchange list – we’ll leave this right here.
Top 50 exchanges by trade volume, according to CoinMarketCap
1. Binance (depending on 30d trading volume, maker/taker fees vary)
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.02%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.04%
2. BKEX (maker/taker fees)
Maker fee 0.15%
Taker fee 0.2%
3. MXC (maker/taker fees)
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
4. Fatbtc
Maker fee 0.2% – 0.05%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0.05%
5. P2PB2B
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
6. Bilaxy
Maker fee 0.15%
Taker fee 0.15%
7. BitForex
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.04%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.06%
8. CoinsBit
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
9. OKEx (depending on 30d trading volume, maker/taker fees vary)
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.06%
Taker fee 0.15% – 0.09%
10. HotBit
Maker fee -0.05%
Taker fee 0.2%
11. CoinBene
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.1%
Maker fee
Taker fee
13. PayBito
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
14. BitZ
Maker fee 0.2% – 0.03%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0.042%
15. BitMEX
Maker fee 0.05% – 0.025%
Taker fee 0.25% – 0.075%
16. EtherFlyer (depends on how much TCASH you’re holding)
Maker fee 0.2% – 0%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0%
17. TAGZ
Maker fee 0.01%
Taker fee 0.01%
18. BiKi
Maker fee 0.15% – 0.04%
Taker fee 0.15% – 0.06%
19. VinDAX
Maker fee 0.05%
Taker fee 0.05%
Maker fee 0.2% – 0.1%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0.1%
21. EXX
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.1%
22. LBank
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.05%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0.1%
23. Coineal
Maker fee 0.15%
Taker fee 0.15%
Maker fee 0.1% – 0.05%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.05%
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
26. BitMart
Maker fee 0.15% – 0.045%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0.06%
27. Bibox
Maker fee 0.08%
Taker fee 0.1%
28. ZB.COM (depending on your daily trading volume)
Maker fee 0.2% – 0%
Taker fee 0.2% – 0.01%
29. Cat.Ex
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.1%
30. Sistemkoin
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
31. Dcoin
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
32. DigiFinex
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
Maker fee
Taker fee
34. IDCM
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.1%
35. Binance Korea
Maker fee
Taker fee
36. Hoo
Maker fee 0.02%
Taker fee 0.04%
37. Huobi Global (depending on 30d trading volume, maker/taker fees vary)
Maker fee 0.015% – 0.2%
Taker fee 0.025% – 0.2%
38. Bybit
Maker fee 0.025%
Taker fee 0.075%
39. Exrates
Maker fee 0.15%
Taker fee 0.2%
40. ExtStock
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.1%
41. BCEX
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.2%
Maker fee 0.2%
Taker fee 0.2%
43. DOBI Exchange (depending on the market)
Maker fee 0.1 % – 0.3%
Taker fee 0.1% – 0.3%
44. Hubi
Maker fee 0.2 %
Taker fee 0.2%
45. Ecxx
Maker fee 0.01%
Taker fee 0.01 %
46. CoinEgg
Maker fee 0.1%
Taker fee 0.1%
47. FTX
Maker fee 0.01% -0.02%
Taker fee 0.04% – 0.07%
48. HitBTC (depending on 30d trading volume, maker/taker fees vary)
Maker fee 0.01% – 0.07%
Taker fee 0.02% – 0.07%
49. BHEX
Maker fee 0.02 % – 0.1%
Taker fee 0.05% – 0.1%
Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is not legal, accounting, or financial advice. I am not a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor. I am not registered as an investment adviser with any federal or state regulatory agency. The Information should not be construed as investment or trading advice and is not meant to be a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any cryptocurrencies.
Title photo by PIRO4D from Pixabay.