
Pegging Cryptocurrency to the Global Economy’s Growth?

Podcast Interview: Angie Lau Interview with Daniel Popa
Published in: Forkast.News
Date: August 27, 2019
Listen to the full podcast here. 

Award-winning journalist, former Bloomberg Television anchor, and Co-founder of Hong Kong-based Forkast.News, Angie Lau interviews Anchor CEO Daniel Popa on her podcast. Daniel discusses Anchor and its value peg, the Monetary Measurement Unit (MMU), an index that’s very similar to the index of IMF, Special Drawing Rights (SDR) from the 1960s. Whereas the SDR is exclusive only to member countries and based on a basket of five currencies, the MMU is inclusive and based on the GDP of more than 190 countries, forex indicators and premium sovereign bond yields from a basket of 10 of the strongest economies in the world. Leveraging the MMU as a peg of value for our stablecoin, Anchor, will allow token holders to bypass market volatilities, inflation, and value depreciation. 

Title photo by Ibrahim Rifath, Unsplash.